Graphic Organizers

graphic organizers

Be sure to see my writing frames, too!

Graphic Organizers to Support Reading Strategy Instruction

Basic Story Map
Students indicate facts about the beginning, middle, and end of the text they are reading.

Cause and Effect
Three sections for students to note cause and effect events from their reading.

Character Connections
A Venn diagram that allows students to compare themselves to a character.

Character Grid
Students record ideas about two characters from the text they are reading.

Character ID 
Students design an identification badge for a character in their story.

Concept Map
Have students complete a concept map with you as you prepare for a unit of study.

Questioning Tower
Utilize the questioning strategy before, during, and after reading.

Super Six
Students select and write about 6 topics of interest from their non-fiction reading.

Character Web
Students have 4 sections to record their ideas about a character from the text

.Just the Facts
Students record 6 facts they have learned and the most important fact from reading.

KWL Chart
Activate prior knowledge and determine what has been learned with this handy chart.

Making Connections
Students record text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections.

Photo Scrapbook
Students illustrate 6 things they have learned from their reading in scrapbook format.

Plot Graph
Students record plot elements in a graphical format.

Story Map
Organized boxes allow students to record characters, setting, problem, etc

.Thumbs Up Down
Students record 2 things they enjoyed and didn’t enjoy about their reading.


Writing Graphic Organizers


Graphs and Charts Graphic Organizers 



Sequencing Graphic Organizers



Sorting Graphic Organizers



Storytelling Graphic Organizers 



Miscellaneous Graphic Organizers





Edited on 03/07/2024



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