WARNING:  According to episode 5 of the podcast, Sold a Story, this is not a good assessment for identifying students with reading problems. “. . . the Benchmark Assessment System – according to Burns’ study – was particularly bad at identifying the kids who were struggling. The study showed that in a school where 100 children needed reading intervention, the Benchmark Assessment System would identify only 31 of those kids. Sixty-nine children who needed help would fly under the radar” (p. 14 in the Sold a Story transcript). As an FYI, the Burns’ study was the only study done, so please decide for yourself.

We are learning now that the Fountas and Pinnell cueing system for teaching reading is not a good way to teach as it doesn’t address decoding. In addition, students with lots of background knowledge on topics in certain leveled books can lead to falsely high reading levels.

Students REALLY need decodable texts and phonics.

I urge you to use the FREE DIBELS 8 benchmark assessments and progress monitoring! These are 1 minute measures (as opposed to the 20-30 minutes/student for the DRA2) packed with information about each child’s ability. The DIBELS 8 MAZE is a 3 minute test that can be administered to the whole class at once.

What is the DRA2?

  • The DRA2 Benchmark Assessment determines a student’s instructional reading level. It is administered individually. During the DRA2, students read a story or a portion of the story/stories aloud and then retell what they have read. The oral portion of the story is assessed via rate (from level 14 on), fluency, and accuracy. As the levels increase, the comprehension requirements increase. Depending on the level, students are asked to make a connection, state a favorite part and why (Grade 1 levels), name the most important event and why, state the author’s message (Grade 2 levels), answer literal questions, describe characters, make predictions before reading, and more. At higher levels, students write their comprehension responses.

When and to whom is the DRA2 administered?

  • The DRA2 assessment can be administered to all students in grades K-5. At my school, it is typically administered 3x/year at report card time to document growth. The test is only valid for up to one year above grade level for advanced readers. For example, level 16 is the June grade 1 benchmark, and level 24 is the June grade 2 benchmark. In June, an advanced first-grade reader can only be tested as high as level 24.

What do the results mean? How do teachers use the DRA2 results?

  • According to a Developmental Reading Continuum, the levels show a student’s current Fountas and Pinnell reading level from level A-Z.
  • Teachers use DRA2 assessment results to determine whether students are reading on, above, or below grade level and plan for a small group, guided reading instruction.


Edited on 04/30/2023


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