What is a running record?
A running record is a technique for capturing and recording oral reading behaviors (what a reader says and does) using a system for coding the reader’s responses. It is an observation tool ~ not a test ~ to determine what reading processes a child uses to determine instructional needs and placement purposes. It also includes a comprehension check. The term miscue is an observed response that does not match what the person listening to the reading expects to hear. Miscue Analysis involves both quantitative and qualitative components. Qualitative Analysis means looking at reading behavior for signs of strategy use.
***As a reading specialist, I have moved away from teaching using predictable texts and the Fountas and Pinnell cueing system. I am now teaching phonics and decodable texts. Look at the difference (see chart below) between decodable and predictable texts! When my students are stuck, I now ONLY say, “sound it out.” Reading is not a guessing game. Stop assigning predictable texts and asking the student, when stuck on a word, to look at the picture, look at the first letter sound, think about what would make sense, skip it/read on/go back. Please listen to the Sold a Story podcast for more information!***
Running Record Form
There are two parts: a running record and a comprehension check. When you perform a running record, use the symbols and marking conventions explained below to record a child’s reading. When the session is complete, calculate the accuracy, error, and self-correction rates, and enter them in the boxes at the bottom of the page. Here is a RUNNING RECORDS CALCULATOR.
Accuracy Rate # of words in the passage – # of uncorrected miscues ~ get the answer and X 100 ~ then divide by # of words in the passage.
Error Rate
Error rate is expressed as a ratio and is calculated by Total words / Total errors = Error rate
- For example:
99 / 8 = 12.38, or 12 rounded to nearest whole number
The ratio is expressed as 1:12. - This means that the student read approximately 12 words correctly for each error made.
Self-Correction Rate
Self-correction rate is expressed as a ratio calculated by the number of errors + Number of self-corrections / Number of self-corrections = Self-correction rate.
- For example:
8 + 3 / 3 = Self-correction rate 11 / 3 = 3.666, or 4 rounded to the nearest whole number. The self-correction rate is expressed as 1:4. This means that the student corrects approximately 1 out of every 4 errors.
Independent level – 95-100% words correctly identified. No more than 1 in 20 words is difficult for the reader. The reader also has a 90% recall of information. (14-15 pts on the retelling chart below for fiction/11-12 pts on nonfiction)
Instructional level – 90% – 94% words correctly identified. No more than 1 in 10 words is difficult for the reader. Student needs teacher support. The reader also has at least 75% recall of information. (11-13 pts on retelling chart below for fiction/9-10 pts for nonfiction)
Frustration level – 89% and fewer words correctly identified. More than 1 in 10 words is difficult. STOP READING THE TEXT.
Types of Miscues and What They Mean
**Miscues are words read that are not exactly accurate but are “cued” by the thought and language of the reader as he attempts to follow what the author is saying.**
Self-Correction: **Not an error, only an error if s/c to a wrong word!**
During the oral reading, the child realizes they have made an error (or feels he has made an error) and rereads the section/word without prompting. Self-correction is good! We want readers to do this if they are correcting an error; however, is the reader reading too fast? Is the reader “correcting” correct words? If so, the reader is unsure of himself.
Repetition: **Not an error**
A child repeats a word or portion of the text. Lots of repetition may mean that the text level is too difficult. Sometimes readers repeat when they’re uncertain and will repeat the word(s) to make sense of the passage.
As the child is reading, they will insert a word or two. Does the inserted word change the meaning? If not, it may just mean the reader is making sense but also inserts. The reader may also be reading too fast. This should be addressed if the insertion is like adding a suffix, such as finished for finish.
Omission: During the oral reading, the child leaves out a word(s.) When words are omitted, it may mean weaker visual tracking. Determine if the meaning of the passage is impacted or not. If not, omissions can also result from not focusing or reading too fast. It may also mean the sight vocabulary is weaker.
Reversal: A child will reverse the print or word order. Watch for altered meaning. Many reversals happen with young readers with high-frequency words.
Instead of reading a specific word, the child inserts a different word. Sometimes a child will use a substitution because they don’t understand the word being read. Does the substitution make sense in the passage? Is it a logical substitution?
Has To Be Told A Word: Child can not move on their own. Depending on the circumstances, “What good reader strategy could you try here?”
Pauses: **Not an error** Draw // to indicate pauses. You might also want to get into timing the student. If the student spends excessive time reading the passage, they will lose meaning.
Total Confusion: The child gets totally confused on an entire line of text and cannot get back on track; say, “try it again,” which is counted as one error. Each error counts as a separate miscue on the second attempt.
Check out this FANTASTIC website about types of errors: Right Track Reading
Words per minute by month and grade level
To calculate WPM:
___words read aloud divided by ___SECONDS it took to read X 60 = __WPM
For example, say there are 207 words in a book. The child read it in 3 min. 25 seconds, which is 205 seconds. 207 divided by 205 is approximately 1.0 words per second x 60 = 60 WPM!
This table is from the DRA2 manual and shows the MINIMUM amount of words per minute acceptable to proceed to the next level.
This table shows approximate percentile ranks for correct words per minute at 3 points during the school year!
Grade | %ile | Fall WCPM* | Winter WCPM* | Spring WCPM* |
1 | 90 | 97 | 116 | |
75 | 59 | 91 | ||
50 | 29 | 60 | ||
25 | 16 | 34 | ||
10 | 9 | 18 | ||
2 | 90 | 111 | 131 | 148 |
75 | 84 | 109 | 124 | |
50 | 50 | 84 | 100 | |
25 | 36 | 59 | 72 | |
10 | 23 | 35 | 43 | |
3 | 90 | 134 | 161 | 166 |
75 | 104 | 137 | 139 | |
50 | 83 | 97 | 112 | |
25 | 59 | 79 | 91 | |
10 | 40 | 62 | 63 | |
4 | 90 | 153 | 168 | 184 |
75 | 125 | 143 | 160 | |
50 | 94 | 120 | 133 | |
25 | 75 | 95 | 105 | |
10 | 60 | 71 | 83 | |
5 | 90 | 179 | 183 | 195 |
75 | 153 | 160 | 169 | |
50 | 121 | 133 | 146 | |
25 | 87 | 109 | 119 | |
10 | 64 | 84 | 102 | |
6 | 90 | 185 | 195 | 204 |
75 | 159 | 166 | 173 | |
50 | 132 | 145 | 146 | |
25 | 112 | 116 | 122 | |
10 | 89 | 91 | 91 |
WCPM is words correct per minute.
Analyzing Miscues
Marking M, S, and V on a Running Record
Now, to analyze your running record. Miscue Analysis is diagnosing a child’s oral reading based on analyzing the errors a child makes. YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ERROR PATTERNS. Miscue Analysis originated from research done by Dr. K. S. Goodman. During the oral reading, a teacher can learn whether the child is making sense of what is being read by looking closely at the child’s types of errors. By analyzing miscues, a teacher can assist those who experience difficulty. Reading tests can’t give you this type of information.
Self-correction occurs when a child realizes their error and corrects it. When a child makes a self-correction, the previous substitution is not scored as an error unless the child “self-corrects” to an incorrect word.
Meaning (M)
Meaning is part of the cueing system in which the child takes their cue to make sense of the text by thinking about the story’s background, information from pictures, or the meaning of a sentence. These cues assist in the reading of a word or phrase. Did the miscue retain the meaning intended by the author? If “Yes,” then circle M. The reader used the meaning or semantics cues. If “No,” then don’t circle the M.
Structure (S)
Structure refers to language and is often referred to as syntax. Implicit structure knowledge helps the reader know if what they read sounds correct. Syntax is language structure. Did the miscue retain grammatical correctness? Does the language pattern of the miscue sound right? If “Yes,” circle S. If “No,” don’t. Consider the language pattern only, not whether it retains the intended meaning.
Visual (V)
Visual information is related to the look of the letter in a word and the word itself. A reader uses visual information when studying the beginning sound, word length, familiar word chunks, etc. Grapho-phonics – visual. Does the miscue show that the student has used visual cues? If the miscue is at least 50% visually correct, circle V.
By working out % scores, you will get an indication of which cues the student is relying on. For example, the final scores may look like this: Meaning = 85% Visual = 30% Syntax = 75%. Your conclusion will be: The student uses context and language structure but needs visual skills.
Sample Errors
That evening the boy went for a walk. (The child read “night” instead of evening.) Meaning and syntax have been retained, so circle M, S. No visual correlation.
I’m wearing shorts and a bush shirt. (The child read “brush” instead of bush.) Circle V and S. Visually more than 50%. Syntactically OK, but the meaning has changed.
Nobody tries out concoctions on themselves. (The child read “congcontcong” instead of concoctions.) Relying on visual cues. The nonsense word means meaning and syntax are not being used, so circle only V.
Not only was it bright purple … (The child inserted an “a” after it.) Meaning and syntax were retained, so circle M and S, but not V. Visually, it was incorrect.
No blade of grass grew in all its concrete playground. (The child read “concentrate” instead of concrete.) Only visual cues were used, so just circle V. Meaning lost. Syntactically it doesn’t work.
- When a child makes an error in a line of text, record the source(s) of information used by the child in the second column from the right on the running record form. Next, write M, S, and V in that column to the right of the sentence. Then circle M, S, and/or V, depending on the source(s) of information the child used.
If the child self-corrects an error in a line of text, use the far right-hand column to record this information. Write M, S, and V to the right of the sentence in that column. Circle the source(s) of information the child used for the self-correction.
You may choose to administer a running record assessment without recording your observations regarding the child’s use of meaning (M), structure (S), and visual (V) cues. Even without recording this information on the form, you can still use the information on error, self-correction, and accuracy rates to place the child at a given reading level.

Retelling Rubric from the Waltham Public Schools

Is the child actively relating one source of information to another? Marie Clay calls this “cross-checking” because the child checks one clue against another. Note cues used, neglected, and cross-checking behavior on the running record form. Keep some of these questions in mind:
- Did the reader use cues?
- Did the reader check information sources against one another?
- Did the reader use several sources of cues in an integrated way or rely on only one kind of information?
- Did the reader use frequent repetition?
- Did the reader reread to search for more information?
- Did the reader make meaningful attempts before appealing for help?
- Did the reader notice when cues do not match?
- Did the reader stop at unknown words or search to solve them?
- Did the reader appeal for help in a dependent way or when appropriate ~ after various attempts have been made?
- Is the reader interested, and did the reader enjoy the reading?
- Did the reader seek frequent affirmation?
- Did the reader maintain appropriate concentration?
- Could the reader identify the genre type?
- Did the reader create text (the child was not reading but making up a story to accompany pictures)?
- Did the reader match speech to print?
- Did the young reader use 1:1 finger correspondence?
- Could the reader track print visually without a finger?
- Did the reader take the initiative to solve unknown words: skip it/read on/go back, use pictures, use semantic, syntactic, or visual clues, use background knowledge, look for chunks, and use letter sounds?
- Did the reader self-correct?
- Were there insertions, omissions, or substitutions, and did they affect meaning (or not)?
- Did the reader chunk read into meaningful phrases?
- Did the reader read smoothly/fluently?
- Did the reader use expression and punctuation correctly?
- Did the reader self-monitor to see if the reading was making sense?
- Did the reader focus too much on accuracy rather than on meaning?
- Did the reader comment and react to indicate comprehension and personal interpretations?
- Was improvement in strategies used noted?
- Did the reader read with confidence?
- Self-monitoring: These strategies allow the reader to confirm whether he is reading the story accurately. Readers who read accurately consistently use meaning, structure, and visual information to verify their reading. This is not a conscious process but the internal system that tells them whether the reading looks right, sounds right, makes sense.
- Searching: Searching is an active process in which the reader looks for information to assist in problem-solving. Readers search for and use all kinds of information sources, including meaning, visual information, and their knowledge of the language’s syntax.
- Self-correcting: The reader can notice mismatches and search further to find a precise fit.
- Tell the child the purpose of the activity ~ that you want to observe their reading and how they make sense of it. Tell them you are looking for good reader strategies and briefly review these.
- Use unfamiliar text, not something the child knows from memory, approximately 100 words in length. Talk about the title and author with the child. Have the child do a picture walk to make some predictions. If you are doing a running record on an older child with a chapter book, have them briefly summarize what he has already read first.
- Remind the child they will retell what he has read immediately following.
- When the child is finished reading orally, say thank you and compliment. Have the child retell, and YOU record the retelling. Then discuss what you saw, compliment good reader strategies observed, offer suggestions, and set goals.
- Do not use miscue analysis on beginner readers.
- Give the student some choice in the reading selection.
- You will need a quiet place without interruptions. It can be convenient to record the child to allow you to listen to the passage more than once.
- Photocopy the selection the student will read and use this to record the miscues.
- Record each miscue in full for an accurate picture.
- The teacher’s role is a neutral observer.
- If a child makes the same miscue on a proper noun every time it appears, for example, Mario for Maria, then it is counted only as 1 error. However, if the child changes it (Mario, Mary, Matt), each is counted as an error.
- There is no penalty for attempts that lead to a correct answer.
- There is no penalty for broken words, such as a-way.
- If a child skips a line of text, each word missed is an error, but those missed words do not count as errors if pages are stuck together.
- Record body movements, comments, attitude, and demeanor ~ see Observations to Record (above).
- Collect running records over time to note patterns in reading.
To Summarize
Miscue analysis is an essential diagnostic tool that should be done every other week* to see how the reader improves in the strategies. Since we read to comprehend, have questions on the text prepared, or have the child retell the passage using the retelling rubric above. Miscues may range from an unimportant change of a word that does not interfere with meaning to a total breakdown in understanding demonstrated by the readers’ miscues bearing little relationship to the original text. Analyzing and making sense of the miscues can help teachers plan the following steps to improve a child’s reading.
*Reading A-Z suggests this frequency:
Early Emergent Readers | Levels aa-C | every 2 to 4 weeks |
Emergent Readers | Levels D-J | every 4 to 6 weeks |
Early Fluent Readers | Levels K-P | every 6 to 8 weeks |
Fluent Readers | Levels Q-Z | every 8 to 10 weeks |
“About Running Records.” Reading A-Z. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2017. <http://www.readinga-z.com/assess/runrec.html>.
Fountas and Pinnell, 1996
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